The Epiphany Feast Day

Epiphany festival is the original name and is still in use today in the Protestant Church of a festival in Christianity that was celebrated on January 6; in the current edition of the Pericope Order it is referred to as the “Feast of the Apparition of the Lord: Epiphany”. In parts, especially in the Orthodox churches, the term theophany ( θεοφάνεια theophanÄ«a "Appearance of God") synonymous with this use.

In the Catholic Church, there is a solemnity of the Epiphany (Sollemnitas in Epiphania Domini), popular and in many calendars as Epiphany, Epiphany, Epiphany, and Epiphany called, regional sporadically to this day u. A. also an as big new year, high new year, high new year or supreme . In Austria this day is also called Christmas Twelve. This name is probably derived from the old custom, the Christmas festival To celebrate twelve days, the last day of which was the feast of the apparition of the Lord.

The western churches assign the festival to the adoration of the child by the wise men from the east. In the Orthodox churches, it is the solemn feast of the baptism of the Lord and the revelation of the Most Holy Trinity.

The Epiphany Feast Day

Epiphany and the birth of Christ were originally celebrated in a festival on January 6th. In the Armenian Apostolic Church, this is still the case today, whereas the feast of the birth of Christ in the Roman state church in AD 432 was moved to December 25th. Through the calendar reform from 1582, the feasts of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches were shifted against each other. December 25th of the Julian calendar fell on January 6th for a long time and falls on January 7th of the Gregorian calendar in the 20th and 21st centuries, yet Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on December 25th. Since the Julian calendar also applies to the Armenian Christians in the Holy Land, Christmas is celebrated there together with the feast of Christ's baptism as Epiphany on January 6th, according to the Gregorian calendar.

History Of Epiphany

The Epiphany is the oldest festival of the church with regionally different focuses (birth of Jesus, baptism of Jesus, memory of the wine miracle at Cana, memory of the transfiguration of Jesus). Until the 4th century, January 6th was the beginning of the year, which was moved to January 1st after the calendar reform of Pope Gregory XII. Since then, this day has been dedicated to the "Epiphany", the memory of the Three Kings - actually it is the feast of the Incarnation of God.

The "Holy Three Kings" day goes in the three wise men of the Orient, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar who followed the brightly lit star that led them to Jesus in the stable. At his birth, they offered gold, frankincense, and myrrh to receive him in life and to bless him.

Regional Customs

As on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve, living and working rooms have been blessed with incense on Epiphany for hundreds of years (incense blessing).

On January 6th, the carol singers go from house to house in royal robes and with a star, sing a song or say a saying and ask for a charitable gift. In Austria, the collection campaign of the Three Kings on January 6th has a different motto every year.

Traditionally, the house blessing "C + M + B" (derived from "Christ Mansionem Benedictat", German "Christ bless this house") written in chalk on the door and framed by the current year. The blessing is often interpreted as the first letter of the names Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. (Source). 

A day with a lot of symbolism

The Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th and is a public holiday in some countries (including Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, the cantons of Schwyz, Ticino, and Uri as well as Austria, Spain, Sweden, and Greece). It goes back to the biblical story of the "wise men from the Orient", who later became "Three Kings" in popular tradition. The original text of the Bible (Matthew 2: 1-11) says: “When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold, wise men from the east appeared in Jerusalem. They asked: 'Where is the newborn King of the Jews? We saw his star light up and have come to pay homage to him. "A little later it says:" Then they opened their chests and brought him presents: gold,

So these men were well-to-do, educated, and astute. That they were declared kings, they owe later formations of legends, also that their number was fixed at three. The popular belief then gave them names, namely Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, and assigned their origins to the then known 3 continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia. In addition, they were declared saints. According to the Christmas story, after the "shepherds in the field", they were the second to pay homage to the newborn baby Jesus and thus - hence their symbolic power - the first non-Jews to do so. The "three holy kings" thus stand for worldwide Christianity.

The Epiphany Feast Day

January 6th is also celebrated in the Christian churches as the day of "Epiphany" or "Theophany". "Epiphany" means appearance (what is meant is Christ before men) and "Theophany" means the appearance of God. In many countries, regions, and families it is celebrated with rituals. Traditional dishes are also prepared. The " Dreikönigskuchen " is particularly popular. The festival of the " Bean King " is often associated with it.

Carol singers chalk mark (C + M + B) on a front door

Carol singers chalk mark (C + M + B) on a front door

The festival of the "carol singers" is also part of this day, when children with zodiac signs go from house to house all over the world and ask for donations for the children in underdeveloped or poor countries. who, according to the Gospel of Matthew, was killed on Herod's command after the wise men had told him of the birth of a future king of the Jews collected because the wise men came from distant regions.

When the carolers go from house to house and have successfully begged, they mark the front doors with chalk and the signs C + M + B as well as the respective year as a thank you. The letters stand for the names Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, and the chalk symbol is said to bring happiness and blessings to the residents of the house. Often the song: "God bless you and this house" is sung. This is how the Epiphany is combined with a beautiful and humanitarian meaning.

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