In search of inspiration, here are 20 deep quotes from Buddha on the meaning of life, access to wisdom, or the illusion of existence. Thoughts to ponder and above all to put into practice
Five centuries before our era, Siddharta Gautama reached enlightenment and traveled through eastern India to teach his wisdom. He changes the lives of those he meets and we decide to call him “Buddha” which means “the enlightened one” in Sanskrit. He never wrote down any of his teachings, his method was oral and communicative. It will take three to four centuries before his words begin to be written on texts to be still preserved today.
At 35, Siddharta Gautama would have meditated for 49 days to reach enlightenment. He then accesses nirvana, that is to say (according to beliefs) the moment when the being transcends the duality of existence. According to legends, he claims to have achieved a full understanding of nature, the causes of human suffering, and especially the essential stages of its elimination.
The Buddha always insisted that he was neither God nor his representative and that his enlightenment was not the result of supernatural intervention, but the fruit of a specific focus on the nature of l human spirit, special attention accessible to all.
20 inspirational quotes from Buddha to light up your life
"If hatred responds to hatred, how will the hatred end?"
"Don't dwell in the past, don't dream of the future, focus your mind on the present moment."
"No matter how many holy words you read, what you speak, what good will they do you if your actions do not conform to them?"
"I call wise he who, innocent though he is, endures insults and blows with a patience equal to his strength."
"Happiness is born from altruism and unhappiness from selfishness."
"There are more tears shed on the earth than there is water in the ocean."
"You should never blame the belief of others, this is how you do not harm anyone. There are even circumstances where you should honor in others the belief that you do not share."
"Staying angry is like grabbing a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone; you are the one burning yourself."
"Patience is the greatest prayer."
© Julia Caesar
"He who is master of himself is greater than he who is master of the world."
"If you do not find a wise friend, ready to walk with you, resolute, steadfast, walk alone, like a king after a conquest or an elephant in the forest."
"There is nothing constant except change."
© Gustav Gullstrand
"You can light dozens of candles from one without shortening your life. You don't diminish happiness by sharing it."
"It is by faith that one can cross the currents. And it is by wisdom that one obtains purity."
"We are what we think. Everything we are results from our thoughts. With our thoughts, we build our world."
© Dino Reichmuth
"The man who strives to pluck pleasures like flowers is seized by death which will carry him away like an overflowing torrent sweeps away a sleeping village."
"From meditation comes wisdom."
"The world is blind. Few can see."
"Be your own refuge. Be your own light."