Lock Down In Skardu ,Increasing Number Of Corona Cases

Lock Down In Skardu

After a mental relief, of about a half to one month, from Corona disease, it seems again that there will be difficult and alarming conditions regarding the disease in Skardu. In a press relief from the deputy commissioner's office, it is being confirmed that there are several local transmission cases of Corona in Skardu, which is diagnosed from Shaqthang, Clifton Skardu. So it means that again Skardu city is going to be under lockdown conditions to resist and fight against this mental disaster disease. According to the press release, concerned departments are directed to seal the following areas, so that any worse consequence can be avoided;
Benazir chowk, Shaqthang, Clifton bridge area to radio Pakistan chowk.
Newgranga, Radio Pakistan chowk premises to Bhutto Bazar chowk.
So what the citizens have to do is,

  • Follow the instructions and SOPs of local administration.
  • Take all necessary precautionary steps.
  • Avoid being in rush and in public.

Press Release

  • Deputy Commissioner's Office Skardu,
  • Under the recommendation of district health officer Skardu.
  • Dated:May 31st,2020

Most importantly the mass should be mentally strong because strong mental conditions mean a strong immunity system.
At last

  • Be hopeful
  • Be strong
  • Be safe
Lock Down In Skardu |Glaciers Newz|Readers Option

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