Sadpara Lake ,Sadpara Village, Skardu Baltistan

Sadpara is one of the recommended tourists place to visit. Sadpara Village is located very near to Skardu city and it is almost 7-9 kilometers away from the main Skardu center. Sadpara gives tourists a big advantage and that is; the tourists can visit and capture their memories whenever they wanted if they are residing in the hotels of Skardu, as it only takes 15-20 minutes to reach Sadpara lake and village.

Sadpara Lake

Sadpara Lake ,Sadpara Village Skardu Baltistan

Sadpara lake is a famous natural lake in Skardu and it is considered to be the most beautiful lake ever exists in the Baltistan region, there was a time when Sadpara lake was the only known lake for tourists who used to visit Gilgit Baltistan but nowadays with the advent of fast technologies, people now also explored many other tourist attractive lakes in the Baltistan premises, some famous lakes in Baltistan region are

What we can have in Sadpara lake

  • Refreshment Corners
  • Boating
  • Photo shots
  • Hiking etc

Sadpara Village

Sadpara Lake ,Sadpara Village Skardu Baltistan

Sadpara village is an anciently existing village of Skardu, people of Sadpara are pure, honest, simple, friendly, and hospitable. The most beautiful thing about them is, they are always ready to share each other's happy and sad moments. Sadpara village consists of 05 major parts

  1. Bara gawong
  2. Skill grong
  3. Miraq
  4. Malpan
  5. Dari

Facilities Available

  • 01 Primary School
  • 01 Middle school
  • 01 Dispensary

Interesting Point To Know

  • There are no No Hospital 
  • There is not a single market

Attentions Which Are Needed    

Following are some deficiencies in the region which must be established

  • High School
  • College
  • Hospital

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