Jobs In Military Lands And Cantonments Department |Ministry of Defence
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fulfill posts in following catagories on regular basis (transferable all over Pakistan) as per eligibility criteria.
Situations Vacant:
01:Stenotypist BS-14
No of posts :08
Age:18-25 ,05 years general age relaxation
02:SDO BS-11 (non technical)
No.of posts :06
Age:18-25 ,05 years general age relaxation
03:SD Man BS-11
No.of posts :07
Age:18-25 ,05 years general age relaxation
04:UDC BS-11
No.of posts :16
Age:18-25 ,05 years general age relaxation
05:LDC BS-09
No.of posts :27
Age:18-25 ,05 years general age relaxation
Testing Service: UTS
Last Date:Within 15 days of publication in newspaper
Newspaper:Daily K2